KIRKSVILLE, MO — With gas prices climbing back up the ladder, some motorists are searching for cheaper means of transportation.  Gas is currently selling for $3.38 per gallon in the Show-Me State while Iowans are paying an average of $3.48 per gallon.  While there was a big spike in scooter sales back in 2007 and 2008 due to a gas hike, Action Cycles Owner Tim Murphy says there’s more of a demand for motorcycles this time around.

“I think the second round of fuel prices, people are a little more aware what their money will get them” Murphy said.  “So they are buying more stuff that is name brand, stuff that is serviceable and you can get parts for; something that gets good fuel mileage.  The problem back in 2007 was scooter shops popped up in a lot of places and after gas prices went down a lot of them went out of business.  The parts of a scooter are cheaper and there was really no investment so when things broke down, there was nowhere to service them.”

In fact, some motorists are even bringing their motorcycles out from retirement.

“We see a lot of motorcycles come in, a lot of older motorcycles come in for service jobs, repair jobs; bikes that people previously owned but put away, they’re starting to get those bikes back out to try and save some money with the fuel the way that it is.”

Murphy said a typical motorcycle can average anywhere from 30 to 60 miles per gallon.  A typical scooter, depending on the make and model, can average anywhere from 50 to 80 miles.

Murphy said he anticipates another trend in motorcycles and scooters if gas prices continue to rise.

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