Remember that show on kids’ television, Barney, where he sang the song about bus wheels going ‘round and ‘round. I’m going to talk about something that is near and dear to me; my life and yours!

When you’re out on the road and you see a car coming up to a stop sign, what do you look for? I look at their wheels. If those rubber discs are moving, I’m slowing down!

Just the other day I was enjoying my ride when a Neanderthal decided to start taking his left turn into the two-lane road I was traveling. I slowed down QUICKLY, moved to the right, and he kept coming! I basically came to a stop, looked at the ape man beast and said, “What the hell are you doing?” He yelled back, “There isn’t anyone behind you !” I couldn’t believe that this moron was moving into MY LANE because there was no one behind me! I decided to stir his audible senses by reciting some specific and candid negative terminology about his personal hygiene and status of where his car could go if I had the strength of Hercules and a certain part of his anatomy was large enough to place said vehicle up into it!

It never ceases to amaze me that lack of common sense so many people have when driving out on the highways! As motorcyclists, we have to be so very careful to take care of ourselves. I try very hard to be courteous and kind when I’m on the road. Why can’t the cage drivers do the same?

Many years ago, I had an all-out heated discussion with a dingbat “know-it-all” that told me that looking at the wheels of a stopped car was stupid and that I would get run over. I shook my head in amazement that this person even had the basic skills for human communication, but decided to let her share with me her insight on why she felt this way. She told me that she looks at the faces of the people in the car. That way, she would be able to get eye contact to let that car driver know she sees them! This would also provide the car driver the opportunity to see her on the motorcycle and see that she was, indeed, moving down the highway.

Now, I’m not Troi from Star Trek where I have the telepathic abilities to read the minds of others (boy, I wish I did!) but that attitude seems a bit, hmmm, let me think here – DEADLY! How in the name of hell can a car driver see your eyes when you are wearing sunglasses? I still haven’t figured this one out and really won’t be taking my precious time to figure it out because – IT’S STUPID!

It’s important to be on your game when you’re out on the road. I check all around me. Sometimes I wish I was an owl and could move my head 360 degrees, but that would cause some considerable problems. One being the mothers of the world would finally be able to see what their kids are doing behind their backs. Another problem with that is I would probably have to take a part time job with the circus making it impossible for me to write for Krazy Biker Katz! Now, we can’t have that, can we?

Look at the wheels in motion of the car or truck that is waiting to get on the highway. See if those wheels are moving and if the driver is actually looking at the traffic in your lane! No, the driver isn’t looking to see if your outfit is a matching collection from Armani….


Remember, I want you out on the road with me. You mean the world to me and the last thing I want to hear is a cage driver hitting one of my beloved motorcycling friends.

I look forward to the day we meet! Until then, ride safe and sing the following song: “The Wheels on the cage go ‘round, and ‘round, ‘round, and ‘round, and they aren’t going to run me over today!

Love you all!


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